The Australian state of Victoria will double the amount of glass it recycles, due to increased funding from the Victorian and Australian Governments.

The Australian state of Victoria will double the amount of glass it recycles, due to increased funding from the Victorian and Australian Governments.

According to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, the state and federal governments are providing $8.1 million of new funding for seven recycling projects which will double the amount of glass recycled and increase the amount of plastic recycled by 40%.

"Not only will these seven projects announced today create jobs, but they'll redirect 205,000 tonnes of glass and 23,000 tonnes of plastic out of landfill every year — it's a massive gamechanger," announced Victorian State Environment Minister Lily D'Ambrosio.

The funding from the Federal Government comes from the $190 million Recycling Modernisation Fund for increasing the capacity of recycling plants. Australian local councils need to increase their recycling capacities as the Recycling and Waste Reduction Act 2020 forbids the export of recyclable materials such as plastic, paper, glass, and tires — these materials must all now be recycled onshore.

The extra glass and plastics recycled will be turned into concrete slab foundations, pipes, roads, and footpaths.

These new projects will create a more robust recycling system for the state and provide people with confidence that their recyclable waste is being put to good use.

Tallulah is studying a Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science at Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia. She is passionate about preventing and reducing the impact of climate change and protecting all living things – especially protecting native wildlife from pets, including her own cats. In her spare time, she enjoys gaming and stargazing.

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