0 shares Share 0 Tweet 0 Pin 0 Share 0 The European technology company Ericsson has developed a technology based on the concept of the Internet of things that will help to improve sustainability in the supply chain. With …

The European technology company Ericsson has developed a technology based on the concept of the Internet of things that will help to improve sustainability in the supply chain. 

With many food and pharmaceutical products relying on cold storage during transport, issues like delays and temperature fluctuations can often result in a lot of product wastage before it even gets to the consumer. 

This new technology aims to provide a clear view with real-time data as products move through the supply chain. 

The Environmental Leader had a report that highlighted some of the underlying problems that led to this innovation. 

“The companies say a major component of their partnership is to reduce food waste. They say food can spoil during transport and between 5% and 10% of shipping containers are typically held in quarantine when they reach port, pending temperature verification.”

Not only will this allow instant verification of temperature controls without requiring direct inspection, but it can also shed a lot more light on bottlenecks in the supply chain that lead to huge waste. 

And, of course, all that waste comes with huge environmental and climate impacts. 

Chris is one of GreenCitizen’s writers who has been a long-time advocate of individual responsibility when it comes to the environment. He shares GreenCitizen's passion for making the world a better place every day of the year.

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