This ambitious project by a young student from Germany aims to plant a trillion trees to fight climate change.

A 24-year-old student from Germany has spent the majority of his life planting new trees, and now his organization Plant For The Planet, is taking things to bigger stages by allowing young people to become more involved. 

What this organization does is provide education and motivation for young people to contribute to fighting climate change. Whether you want to get your hands dirty with one of their major reforestation projects around the world or you simply want to donate to the cause, there are plenty of options. 

CNN has reported some of the ambitious goals of Felix Finkbeiner.
“By 2010, Plant For The Planet had put a million trees in the ground. Then in 2011, Finkbeiner spoke at the UN following in Maathai’s footsteps. The Nobel laureate, who passed away in 2011, was working with the United Nations Environment Programme on the Billion Tree Campaign. Plant For The Planet took the reins of the campaign and upped its goal to a trillion trees.”

The interesting thing about the goal of planting a trillion trees is that it’s what scientists believe is room for on earth. And it’s also a goal that is needed to fight climate change in a completely natural way. 

It’s one of those projects that shows that young people are not afraid of big goals. 

Chris is one of GreenCitizen’s writers who has been a long-time advocate of individual responsibility when it comes to the environment. He shares GreenCitizen's passion for making the world a better place every day of the year.

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