San José, California is about to become a cyclers’ paradise as the City Council passes the Better Bike Plan 2025.

San José, California is about to become a cyclers’ paradise as the City Council passes the Better Bike Plan 2025. The plan includes building 550 miles of bike lanes, boulevards, and trails to help thousands of more bikers commute and exercise safely.

The Council’s plan for climate-friendly transportation is a realistic one — the city of San José spreads across 180 square miles and follows a car-oriented layout. Some short-sighted decisions on transportation made in the past are still shaping people’s lives today.

The National Resources Defense Council reports that San José's City Council is aiming to create a city where anyone can comfortably bike to any neighborhood.

“To create the plan, City staff talked with residents. They also partnered with community-based organizations like Veggielution, LUNA (Latinos United for a New America), and VIVO (Vietnamese Voluntary Foundation). At meetings and focus groups in Spanish and Vietnamese as well as English, City staff and partners asked residents: What would help make them more likely to bike?”

Instead of giving bikers just a bike lane separated by a white line of paint from a busy street, the new plan intends to “evolve” a bike lane.

The bike lanes will be wider and separated from fast street traffic by parked cars and where possible, even a whole raised curb between cars and the bike lane.

Nikola uses his background in electrical engineering to break down complex sustainability topics for GreenCitizen's readers. He is a firm believer in environmental conservation, which he practices daily through recycling and home-grown food. He enjoys hiking, engaging in white-water sports, and collecting pocket knives.

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